Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Shrink Prostate Before Seeding

Day students

Following a manifestation of the student movement in the former Czechoslovakia in 1939, students, demonstrating for the rights to education of every human being and hymns to freedom against a dictatorial regime, were arrested and brutally killed by Nazi soldiers. From that day seventy years ago, every November 17 young students take to the streets in memory of the Czech colleagues and to demonstrate, in turn, for the rights of students. Also this year, then, universities and high schools around the world will make Coret, days of teaching alternative, peaceful demonstrations, concerts and more. Even in many Italian cities, of course, was welcomed this proposal and, from Piedmont to Sicily, this morning the boots will remember all the victims of that regime totalitarian and violent were the only great courage to publicly embrace freedom.

At the national level I'm sure something will come out nice. However, one of us. Venafro in schools, the eternal island of apathy, superficiality, indifference and misinformation, the high school kids this morning decided to join the "national strike", if you can call it a day in memory of victims of a scheme, and left almost empty classrooms. So far, nothing to say, indeed. It 'nice to think that many guys have the heart to a situation like this, it is nice that we want to express their solidarity with peers from other parts of the world who fight for the right to education, it's great that we emphasize the importance of a day like this and want to remember who, years before them, could to give meaning to his life, fighting and dying for a good cause. It would be extraordinary to think that suddenly, our little island Venafro has finally woken up and that its young people have at last found a meaning to life beyond the spin on the course and stop at the bar. It would be nice, but obviously not. Are you wondering: but how expressed their pensiro and all the crap that you said so far? simply have not done so, as always.
I believe that students have woken up this morning with the usual enthusiasm to go to school, but once at the gates, a rumor (because I'm quite sure that many do not even know what you're talking about), from the mouth of a student always looking for something that allows classmates not to go to school, shook their enthusiasm and forced them reluctantly to leave behind the much-loved school. But, of course, someone might object and say that strike was made with knowledge of their actions and exclusively for the purpose of an event peaceful commemoration, but then I wonder and say: where are the banners? Where are the beautiful words of commemoration? Where are your beautiful faces? Faced with a croissant in the bar or in front of the computer at home? Where the hell is this your solidarity? Where your desire for expression, the pursuit of liberty and the pursuit of good causes? Should I continue? I think not. Well, I'll be an idiot, but I do not see any of this.
I'm home again with some degree of fever and therefore saddens me to say, I could not attend your big event memorable to your strike. If I had been able to do so, I proposed to hold a day of alternative study, aimed at addressing the problems students of yesterday and today, focusing on the memory of the victims of the Nazi regime in Czechoslovakia, a day where everyone could express their opinion about the hardships of the current student body or, at best, a well-organized parade, with TV or newspapers present, or we had to go all in Isernia, where, in front of Mr. Magoo, from 9.00 to 10.00, there was a concert at the Workshop of culture and leisure, but perhaps not even the ghosts of those poor guys have moved your conscience! But on the other hand, I'm from another planet, I should just learn that there is nothing wrong with not going to school for a day looking for a pretext, while mobilizing middle Italy, let us go on the course Campano, that we never see throughout the day.

I leave a link to let you know the steps which have been taken throughout our country:

Serena Verrecchia


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