Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cover Letter Visual Merchandiser Sample

Winds of renewal

Hello bloggers mid-morning,

pervade today I feel a new feeling of freshness and renewal, I want to breathe new air. I'm tired of words, the myriad of words that come out of my mouth, but you never turn into action. Just now, this is the dawn of a new day for me, the beginning of a period when it finally materializes my person, I where the type of individual that I have always claimed to be and I'll stop in front of more nothing. In sixteen years I have always been a thoughtful person, I thought so much that my head now can no longer, I listened to, developed, formulated my opinion. Now it is time to implement my thoughts. This small recovery period helped me, a bit like San Francisco, to decide to make a change in my life. I never want to be a witness of a property actually on the move, I will no longer rely on the work of others if I do not do first, I do not want to lock in my kennel staff, or keep it all inside just because "others do not understand" but I want to scream to the world that I am and what I think and how they will be judged, all the things you say about me (because I live in a world where is only able to judge how many children God) does not even touch me. From now on, I've always said and the things that I believe will come out. It 'ran out of time to relegate things to others, to wait for someone to do what I believe is right to do. No one will ever like me because we are all different from us, and no one, therefore, will do for me what I want to do (he even rhyme). We must dare, groped, have the courage to jump into this inextricable river that runs continuously and that no arrest has wrought, we must have the courage to dream and believe in their dreams.

conclude with a sentence of Renato Zero great that made me become the hero of my life and made me take the reins of my life, in the hope that it will also help for you:

"And then you meeting here, tip for you .. You viewers want, really, I live the dream that you dare to live? ... "

Serena Verrecchia


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