Friday, November 27, 2009

How Long Is Fakku Goin To Be Down?

Economy in disarray

"We need optimism," he told the prime minister, "Italy will come out heads held high."
Well, assuming that I do not know anything about economics, the words of Silvio Berlusconi does not seem to correspond to reality, at least for the momeneto. Yesterday, Annozero was discussed on the economy, but beyond words, mountains of words that were said by either side, in Rome, in front of Palazzo Chigi, hundreds of workers were waiting for the verdict on their future that seems to be dyed black. Thousands of former workers Eutelia, passed to the Omega Society, could find himself at the head point and, again looking for a job these days, it will be almost impossible to find. Where is the government now? While in the studio and Tremonti bertinotti were competing to see who had made more serious, in Rome, Italy of Values \u200b\u200bleader Antonio Di Pietro, was next to the workers, was waiting with them, shared their worries, their fears and their anger. Well, this is an individual that puts the country first!

The case of Agile Eutelia is not isolated on many other companies and enterprises is to drop the curtain and a lot of people do not know where to find the money to make ends meet. The optimism, Mr. President? You can be optimistic when you know you can implement the measures in order to avoid the chaos and loss of many jobs, but claim to act in a concrete way for workers and then having to listen to stories of thousands of people that are coming in exasperation means exaggerating in telling lies. Optimism was the son of Sonia, if anything, that at the beginning of transmission, yesterday, many Italians moved with these words: "We'll make mom ..." Hear these words from the mouth of a child makes me terribly nervous, and it saddens me greatly and I would like this government, instead of thinking about the easiest way to remove the mess Berlusconi, a little more thought to the welfare of the country and its citizens. Then I was struck by a phrase that Minister Tremonti has nothing to do, but I want to state: "... because when one does the Minister of the Treasury has to let go some things and think about the welfare of their citizens ... " But why, Minister, when one holds Another important position to think about their own business and not the good of the state? Oh yeah, I forgot that you are part of the People of Freedom party of Silvio Berlusconi.

Serena Verrecchia

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The utopia of red diary

Hi blogger, I'm going to
on this blog post I read recently on the website of Salvatore Borsellino, http://www. / , so that you are unable to understand the emotional force which is capable of triggering this man through his words and can understand why, even if you do not share the battle, that nothing is impossible and that Good will always win in the end. Good reading.

E 'success is not what I wanted that to happen.
The movement of the "Red Diary" is a spontaneous movement that consciously I did not want to give any organization and any official capacity, is a movement of young and old who have adopted this symbol to express their anger and their desire for Truth and Justice.
long as what we now call "the people of Red Diary" had been created before by a few dozen, then a few hundreds of young and old who came to my meetings and are indignant with me to hear the story of this agenda subtracted from the machine immediately after the massacre, Paolo Borsellino and never seen again, no one was interested in those exalted few who rose above the red card to represent the DIY 'agenda, their anger and their desire to fight to change our unfortunate country, because at last justice is done.
Because there can be no justice, no one can believe in justice as long as not enough to reach the hearing stage of a process, the photographic evidence and the shooting of a camera that shows who after taking the bag Paul sure that agenda contained, moves away from the car of Paul still on fire.
not enough because all the processes that could lead to the real instigators of the massacre must be stopped at the cost of slamming in his face to the public increasingly distracted absurd and an acquittal verdict of the Supreme Court even more absurd.
The public has become distracted, addicted, but resigned the few exalted with their red cards at the top risen gradually increase, becoming more and more, are becoming increasingly angry and July 19 this year happens something unexpected.
Just their presence in Via D'Amelio to make is that, for the first time in 17 years, the vultures that used to come every year, on that day, in Via D'Amelio to make sure that Paul is really dead, stay away and go elsewhere to celebrate the rites of death for a Judge is not dead but more alive than ever in the heart of those people who stand up in defiance, anger and love their red diary.
are the very people who, the day before, to 15, under the blazing sun of those agendas Palermo took them on the streets of stone from Via D'Amelio Utveggio climb to the Castle, another symbol of Failure of Truth and Justice denied, and the boulders along the road had been filled with big red letters that say "Paul lives" and shouts "OUT OF THE MAFIA STATE", "resistance" have broken the silence of that sunny afternoon along paths where it is usually only hear the chirping of cicadas.
The next day those same red diary were in front of the Palace of Justice in Palermo to promise to Antonio Ingroia, Nino Di Matteo, Roberto Scarpinato, Francesco Messineo, Sergio Lari that they were their stock which would not have allowed that they too were Elina, bloodless but with the same vile methods used with Luigi De Magistris, with Clementina Forleo, with Gabriella Nuzzi, with the full authorization of Salerno.
months and then pass the arms raised up to support the Red agendas become more and more, and get thousands September 26 fill the streets and squares of Rome to cry louder and louder, repeated, obsessive "OUT OF STATE THE MAFIA."
The press, the media ignore them, only a few minor newspapers and some television show those scenes of real resistance, but in the meantime the links between those people who were already born on the network, which were consolidated with the physical presence Palermo, which had strengthened in Rome are becoming stronger, the red diary becomes more and more, and many understand that they do not always continue to delegate actions to the same people, who should not consume more than their anger and their rebellion to a power always darkest prejudice behind a keyboard and a screen, but you need to get into the game in first person and persons who had not ever give rise to new initiatives, new meetings and start posting from one city to another to be always present to assemble these true supporters of a new resistance and resistance is the cry of greeting raising higher and higher and stronger than ever with a wave of pride and challenge its agenda.
But meanwhile beginning to happen that I would not succedese.
On the one hand some clusters of what we call the civil society, are beginning to distance themselves from us. In a system where the mafia associations tend to be institutionalized, to seek support and funding from public bodies and which are therefore often forced to compromise, the Red Diary is seen as an anomaly, as a danger. A movement that wants to remain a movement of opinion, a virtual association between those moved by the same sentiments and the ideals it is almost a foreign body, something to be different because it's almost scary, and several have taught us to be afraid.
And on the other hand we are accused of leaving exploited by some political party when in fact out loud, just at the congress of the party have said they want to retain our identity and our independence, will be the ones to exploit the party, that wanted to push him to become the party of honest people, that party in Italy that unfortunately does not yet exist and that many would want to find whether there was or if someone had the courage of those existing to become one.
other hand, from many, many, too many people have begun to volersene appropriated, that wanted to speak in behalf and on behalf of this and the People of the red diary.
I will not allow that to happen, the Red Diary there has already been stolen once and to do so were those who organized the massacre by turning it into a weapon of blackmail on which you hold the balance of the second republic based on the blood, now will not allow this Red Diary, which has become a symbol of our struggle, is used by someone for your particular vision or to purchase, do not let anyone speak on behalf of this movement might sostendendo , to increase its credibility, having received the delegation or approval on my part.
Anyone can say they belong to these people if you really grow into his own mind the ideals of truth and justice around which this movement was formed, it grew and consolidated, but no one can say and will speak on behalf of others.
Someone may argue that a movement to be able to exist must have a set structure, regulation, I think it does not, that his power is above all the spontaneity, the common sentiment of those who recognize themselves in it and make it part
The People of the Red Diary is not a real association and therefore has no governing bodies and has no spokesman, anyone can say whether they belong in the heart if the same ideals and these ideals are fighting the same battles that we fought so far.
not exist and no passes will be issued, does not require registration fees, there are no lists of members but only lists of email addresses and contacts for power FB communicate and do the "call to arms when necessary to meet to demonstrate and lead a battle in the name of our ideals.
There are no official sites, but only a network of blog sites and interconnected with whom you exchange posts and articles.
may exist, can grow, can consolidate a movement like this?
sounds like a utopia, but until a year ago it was a utopia that could exist, grow and consolidate the "People of the Red Diary" and instead there is now and many began to fear because we do and we will fight until ' last because the dream of Paul and his boys come true.
And it is a simply because it is only a dream a dream of justice, truth, 'and above all LOVE.

Salvatore Borsellino

RESISTANCE Savior, forever!

Friday, November 20, 2009

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Song for the People of the Red Diary

This song was made in honor of Paolo Borsellino, his escort and the People of the red diary, a nation of people who still have the courage and strength to resist and fight, fight, fight and will never give up until they could enjoy the fresh wind of freedom that Paul has never tasted on this Earth ...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

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Winds of renewal

Hello bloggers mid-morning,

pervade today I feel a new feeling of freshness and renewal, I want to breathe new air. I'm tired of words, the myriad of words that come out of my mouth, but you never turn into action. Just now, this is the dawn of a new day for me, the beginning of a period when it finally materializes my person, I where the type of individual that I have always claimed to be and I'll stop in front of more nothing. In sixteen years I have always been a thoughtful person, I thought so much that my head now can no longer, I listened to, developed, formulated my opinion. Now it is time to implement my thoughts. This small recovery period helped me, a bit like San Francisco, to decide to make a change in my life. I never want to be a witness of a property actually on the move, I will no longer rely on the work of others if I do not do first, I do not want to lock in my kennel staff, or keep it all inside just because "others do not understand" but I want to scream to the world that I am and what I think and how they will be judged, all the things you say about me (because I live in a world where is only able to judge how many children God) does not even touch me. From now on, I've always said and the things that I believe will come out. It 'ran out of time to relegate things to others, to wait for someone to do what I believe is right to do. No one will ever like me because we are all different from us, and no one, therefore, will do for me what I want to do (he even rhyme). We must dare, groped, have the courage to jump into this inextricable river that runs continuously and that no arrest has wrought, we must have the courage to dream and believe in their dreams.

conclude with a sentence of Renato Zero great that made me become the hero of my life and made me take the reins of my life, in the hope that it will also help for you:

"And then you meeting here, tip for you .. You viewers want, really, I live the dream that you dare to live? ... "

Serena Verrecchia

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Day students

Following a manifestation of the student movement in the former Czechoslovakia in 1939, students, demonstrating for the rights to education of every human being and hymns to freedom against a dictatorial regime, were arrested and brutally killed by Nazi soldiers. From that day seventy years ago, every November 17 young students take to the streets in memory of the Czech colleagues and to demonstrate, in turn, for the rights of students. Also this year, then, universities and high schools around the world will make Coret, days of teaching alternative, peaceful demonstrations, concerts and more. Even in many Italian cities, of course, was welcomed this proposal and, from Piedmont to Sicily, this morning the boots will remember all the victims of that regime totalitarian and violent were the only great courage to publicly embrace freedom.

At the national level I'm sure something will come out nice. However, one of us. Venafro in schools, the eternal island of apathy, superficiality, indifference and misinformation, the high school kids this morning decided to join the "national strike", if you can call it a day in memory of victims of a scheme, and left almost empty classrooms. So far, nothing to say, indeed. It 'nice to think that many guys have the heart to a situation like this, it is nice that we want to express their solidarity with peers from other parts of the world who fight for the right to education, it's great that we emphasize the importance of a day like this and want to remember who, years before them, could to give meaning to his life, fighting and dying for a good cause. It would be extraordinary to think that suddenly, our little island Venafro has finally woken up and that its young people have at last found a meaning to life beyond the spin on the course and stop at the bar. It would be nice, but obviously not. Are you wondering: but how expressed their pensiro and all the crap that you said so far? simply have not done so, as always.
I believe that students have woken up this morning with the usual enthusiasm to go to school, but once at the gates, a rumor (because I'm quite sure that many do not even know what you're talking about), from the mouth of a student always looking for something that allows classmates not to go to school, shook their enthusiasm and forced them reluctantly to leave behind the much-loved school. But, of course, someone might object and say that strike was made with knowledge of their actions and exclusively for the purpose of an event peaceful commemoration, but then I wonder and say: where are the banners? Where are the beautiful words of commemoration? Where are your beautiful faces? Faced with a croissant in the bar or in front of the computer at home? Where the hell is this your solidarity? Where your desire for expression, the pursuit of liberty and the pursuit of good causes? Should I continue? I think not. Well, I'll be an idiot, but I do not see any of this.
I'm home again with some degree of fever and therefore saddens me to say, I could not attend your big event memorable to your strike. If I had been able to do so, I proposed to hold a day of alternative study, aimed at addressing the problems students of yesterday and today, focusing on the memory of the victims of the Nazi regime in Czechoslovakia, a day where everyone could express their opinion about the hardships of the current student body or, at best, a well-organized parade, with TV or newspapers present, or we had to go all in Isernia, where, in front of Mr. Magoo, from 9.00 to 10.00, there was a concert at the Workshop of culture and leisure, but perhaps not even the ghosts of those poor guys have moved your conscience! But on the other hand, I'm from another planet, I should just learn that there is nothing wrong with not going to school for a day looking for a pretext, while mobilizing middle Italy, let us go on the course Campano, that we never see throughout the day.

I leave a link to let you know the steps which have been taken throughout our country:

Serena Verrecchia

Thursday, November 12, 2009

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Minky Happy Birthday!

Ah finally we arrived at the November 12 and finally I can write four lines for Lydia. E 'for months asking me to write something about our friendship, self-centered usual =) and now I think the time to please her. Write beautiful words about our great friendship is not easy, unless it is claptrap, because it is something so big that you can not describe nor explain. It 's a great thing the universe itself, how can I enclose it in a blog page? It 's impossible, even though Nike said that nothing is impossible! Minky, Minky my birthday today sixteen. He thinks he's grown up, mature and responsible, but we all know that he is mistaken because his brain has remained at a maximum of five or six years. You will need a lot of time before we see Lydia Weighing behave like a normal person, I think, in fact, that will make a crazy life. I must say, also by mea culpa, that his brain is delayed due to my presence in his life. There are now four or five years that we know and it gets worse and I do not see much room for improvement. Moreover, if in Italy there are two crazy, and those we can not live separately. We are the one the oxygen of the other.
Oh Lydia, but I'd do without you? Where can I find another like you? I can travel the world far and wide, but not like you'll never find and that is why I thank God (not we say to Aldo) have placed on the path of my life just you.
're unique! I know that our friendship is something special, something indefinable and impossible to find and that is why I want it to last forever. However, that either we like it or not, our friendship is not destined to a node never melt, even after the end of the world (and we're almost there = D). I have to endure for so long long long long time yet.
I love you and wish you the best birthday of the world!

Serena Verrecchia

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

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"FREE" Profession ...

Taxes, Chinese torture of honest taxpayers
Giampiero Mughini
This morning my postman kindly me given good morning. A letter from the Inland Revenue showing that the clearance that I had paid Panorama in 2005 I still have 3000 euro to the tax. I do a count in which to explain € €: there is no doubt that I have to pay and there is no doubt that I will pay within 30 days provided by law. God forbid. What is certain is that the path
honest taxpayers between November and December is not that much less painful than that of Christ on Golgotha. I have to laugh when the press, and once we get to pay the thirteenth, displayed large articoloni on how Italians spend their thirteenth. For me, the thirteenth of my pension will pay a few crumbs of taxes imposed on my self-employment. Nothing personal. It 's the law, tax law. Or, more precisely, that the honest taxpayer is a Chinese torture. (A good part of the torture which the Italians are fleeing to escape that is between 30 and 40 per cent of gross national product per year.)
I'll tell you how things are. I hope I never get bored. And besides, many of you have a VAT number and they know him exactly what torture is. About VAT I am one of those who pay VAT every month, and therefore no more than 20-30 days since I issued the invoice. I do a benefit, the 20th of the month, issue invoices as they are obliged to do, I pay VAT on the 16th of next month, and then 26 days later. Today, and if you're lucky, an invoice will be paid in 60-70 days of its issuance. If you're going wrong, after four to five months.
Large companies pay their suppliers as six to eight months. Of all this, a bad trend that has exacerbated the crisis and made dramatic, the IRS does not care about high and the money they want it now, even if that money does not have either direct or seen from afar. Next Monday, November 16th, I will pay my monthly rate of VAT. Meanwhile I am pleading with those that I made out my last pay my bills. Humiliating? Yes, humiliating.
past few days and 30 November is the time of the advance income tax on income and deposit Irap 2009. A few days later ICI on my professional studio, the room where I keep my computer and my books. It 'a bloodbath, in times like these. I will go red in the bank, not the end of the world. The past few days, and December 16 will be the turn of the new monthly rate of VAT and therefore VAT is not other yet been received and that the state wants, and damn soon. But the worst is yet to come.
Eleven days later, on December 27, must pay the advance VAT on invoices issued in December. That means on money that you do not even feel the smell, on revenue of which do not yet entered into his pocket a penny. It 's a usurious loan upside you do to the state, in which a loan is usurious who collects an interest-free loan that serves the state to pay disability pensions, salaries of the rich regional directors and provincial serve no purpose, contributions to the party newspaper that nobody reads, keep alive for half a century become unprofitable institutions but also to do good things: health care to the poor, unemployment benefits to those who have lost their jobs.
that money to my bank to ask them, of course I will pay everything at once. God forbid. Did otherwise, how could I write my next article on the honest taxpayer of Chinese torture, the shame of a State convex productive work?

November 10, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

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Happy Birthday Maureen!

In this blog I mentioned many important people and I realized that, on a day like this I had to make a dedication to those who have been able to make me happy even with a glance. We could not miss the legendary Maurizio Casagrande, who have a birthday today.
E 'was a lucky encounter (in the ambit of television, of course) with the "Bighouse" but really "lucky" because in the movie that made me sick to casagrandide, Maurice was playing the part of Cipolletta Fortunato, a character think that every time you miss a smile on my face.
say simply that is the greatest comedian I've ever seen is an understatement, because Maurizio Casagrande is more, is sympathy in person, the medicine to cure the sadness, if he's there, there must be for force a smile. "So, lucky?" " most fortunate to meet him!"

Mauritius, if anything were to read this post, but if I had not ever do, I want you to know that for me, and my best friend, you're happy efonte source of inspiration for our best pearls of wisdom =)!

I wish you the best birthday of the world and still so very very much success, because no one deserves it as much as you. I love you, Nun and finuta 'in Onion Gravy!

Serena Verrecchia

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I would be ...

A Viking:

Let me be your mirror, day after day to be able to tell you that you are always the fairest of them all.
I want to be your dog, fill of pampering each time you return home.
I want to be your pillow every night to enjoy the sweet scent of your hair.
I want to be a witch, to try to make imperfect in my eyes.
I want to be your secret diary, to keep all your dreams.
I want to be your heart, to give every day the vital impulse.
I want to be your guardian angel to protect you from the world.
I would be a dream to be able to visit during the starry nights.
I want to be your soul, so I can bind you forever.
I would be the time to stop everything and devote myself only to you.

I want to be your bride, to share a life with you alone.
I would be water in the summer that gives you relief and fire that warms you in winter.
I would be the wind that ruffles the hair and the rain you get wet face.
I would be the sun, just to brighten your beautiful eyes.
I would be the moon to be less ashamed of you.
I would be God, to tear you from this land and keep you with me in the clouds.

I wish I had a magic wand to make this happen ...

Serena Verrecchia