Friday, February 4, 2011

Sceletium Tortuosum Kanna Spray


words: repetita iuvant

assurance scooter has never given too much trouble. The only time I had a little battle was when he decided that an old hat, even if coming from the right had no precedence.
waited patiently for the compensation and after a couple of unpleasant encounters with the assurance of the counterparty, could compensate me. Compensai undue delay which made me a check, getting rid of the keys to their office, oblivious that a secretary had forgotten the keyhole of the door. Because as everyone knows: the Opportunity makes the bastard ...
Last year, however, the renewal of the policy ... big surprise, but I see myself going down class appioppare an award that goes from 251 € to 311. Sticazzi! I say to the beautiful and kind lady. And she trims a cabal tells me that the update rate, the new law, and the like. Since I have little desire to discuss, and the increase has taken me by surprise, I pay.
This year, however, mindful of the increase, as soon as I receive the letter I announced the imminent expiry of the policy, I sling on the web and do a series of quotes online. The result:

Fondiaria Sai 347 € 328 €

print it and put in your pocket.

this morning with my beautiful innocent little face, I went to the agency to''renew''the bill and I asked the beautiful and attractive new secretary: Excuse information, I do not know if she can help me, I did a quote on-line on your site, for the renewal of my policy and I got this. I offer the smiling
sheet with the prize of 347 €.
She examines with care, but I have no idea that I might have had a transcript of the Code of Hammurabi and the effect would be the same. In fact I do not know where to smile disappears and after a couple of minutes and check incravattatissimo the friendly owner of the company that makes me sit in his office.
He tells me the rava and beans, rates and laws, and I confirm the award.
note, thinking out loud while going down on class, I increase my reward in two years, rose from 251 € to 347 €, which is a € 96 fine. I
He contends that the services are increasing and still is an adjustment to the law.
At that point contends that the law allows me, given the type of policy taken out, and in case of increase in the premium, to apply to another company.
So the greeting is not before informing him that the GENERTEL me a quote which is exactly (or almost) equal to the price that I paid them in 2009, ie a saving of 112 € dry year.
And indeed he is right, the adjustments are always a law to protect citizens. And then
GENERTEL was, until February 2012.


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