Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Possible Combinations Of 5

memory Scorpion

time ago Lagatta was busy for half an hour under the lounge window , when you should let her do so, because any interference in its activities, it is unpleasant, and being notoriously touchy Lagatta is better to pretend nothing. At the end of his jobs has disappeared in the yard.
After a couple of days, cleaning, I found a scorpion doornail. Almost full. How has
made to kill him without incurring the predictable problems only knows her, to me is a bit of anxiety for discovering that the house can come from who knows where the genus.
To celebrate the event, in agreement with Lagatta, we decided to immortalize the sacrifice with a design apotropaic ( *) at the point of discovery.

( *)
The word derives from the greek apotrepein apotropaic, ie "remove", and generally the symbols and objects of this type share the common by turning away from something, often understood as " keep a distance ". Apotropaic Lamassù was also the function of the statue from the body of a winged bull with a human face and that was at the gates of Babylon.


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