Sunday, January 30, 2011

Panties Seen Iout Of Jeans


words: cosmic day Scazzi

The alarm rings at the usual time, but this morning I was sleepy, and so after I turn it off and go back to sleep. After a while I wake up the sound of the phone you are downloading. I let him do and I put my head under the pillow. It's raining outside, I feel the drops on the window panes, the chill wind of the north wind that whistles.
I get up late, but I do not know what time it is cold, I put nell'accappatoio and wriggling in the kitchen for breakfast, a little bit more sleep, coffee, milk, biscuits. I seem to have a thousand years. Being caught in a dream just faded away, the smell of coffee does not cancel.
Out airs Wuthering Heights. I go back to sleep under the covers, still warm, the wind throws the snowflakes on the windows.
I wake up at a later time unknown, pendant to the bathroom, and I'm in the shower. I put a sweatshirt comfortable and warm, I go into the living room and turn on the PC, check email on FB a couple of messages to my brother who is locked in the house, off a road 'leppega' of snow and rain. Today rid nothing, nothing at all, they all point, the best.
Prepare some payments on line, complete a couple of documents to be sent tomorrow morning. Always raining outside, rooftop snow beckons. The Benjamin continues to lose its leaves. Complete the picture the second trumpet blast of the apocalypse, but so far nothing yet.
I decide to have lunch, even if the time is long past, a bit of warming up leftovers from dinner last night. The vegetable pie of the evening, a bit of couscous, chicken soup cooked in beer, brown bread and drink some green tea.
A hot cup of coffee at a French port on my couch, where I put in my favorite blanket. I befriends an old book on Chinese civilization that I have trimmed the ziaOnesta. Unreadable.
I fall asleep in the hooded wool.
I wake up the bell, and waits for no one because I decided not to open.
kicking game a little in front of the television, Egypt replaced the Escort in the opening credits. Grandchildren of the alleged bank Mubarak is the collapse of the real dictatorship. The attack and the looting of the Museum of Cairo are yet another sign of decadence in which we are sealed. I worry more than the devastation of a hundred dead in the streets. I go down to feed in Lagatta, is not there. I leave the biscuits in the bowl. Is it still raining and the snow is gone.
I make a few finishing touches to a frame, but without much conviction, forget it.
It's dark outside, in the silence of the input clock chimes eight.
The day slipped away, there remains a great torpor, and some thoughts malicious and often, as pestilential vapors, and that dream, heavy, yet again the image of a timetable and a date, June 20, 2011.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Order Parts From Chicco


Still on the "streets" of San Giuseppe Vesuviano ...
One of the first acts of the newly arrived Ambrosio after the victory of 2002 was the administrative hold two architectural design competitions: one for the recovery of the Red Cross, asylum, the other for the redevelopment of Piazza Garibaldi and spaces " contiguous " (Sic).
In fact these two works represent a sort of battle cry for the Mayor Ambrosio. Already in the late '80s were the subject of design more or less fortunate.
In particular, projects for the Red Cross, asylum is not nothing came of it while designing a new layout of Piazza Garibaldi was, after various events, supplemented by the technical council, which gave the town - the same Mayor Ambrosio - the set of concrete-face view that has endured two decades.
of this reinforced concrete, for decades under the eyes of all, when the start lavorel 2009 - Mayor Ambrosio always the same - the insiders did not know (?) the con-existence so as to result in significant delays accomplices dyscrasias estimation on the cost of demolition, as is the interview given by the Mayor Ambrosio TG3 Campania after the complaint by the Association Jamm in Summer 2010. In the same interview showed that the draft version was in an advanced stage of definition, and that he would soon be sent to the Superintendent responsible for the authorization of the rite.
And here comes the fun part.
From an inspection at the offices of the Superintendent is a project submitted in early 2011, but also that the town of San Giuseppe Vesuviano consistently produces documentation to the Department without following the proper procedures, which are inadmissible by the same supervision as sent with a temporary procedure is no longer in force since December 31, 2009.
In fact, since January 2010, the procedures for the review of projects by the Superintendent as a body of ministerial peripheral are varied: in terms of landscape authorization has been given the end of the so-called transitional regime and the role of supervision by supervisors of simple 'municipal function leaving behind only the power of cancellation, has become active, take over now advisory body binding and conclusive that intervene in the permits themselves, complete and valid the work on the municipal landscape. Therefore, municipalities must adopt a dual function, defined by two separate entities, one responsible for administrative urban-landscape on the other (assisted by a special commission for the landscape, the former building committee integrated role with a purely Auxiliary of the head of the landscape), and follow the provisions of the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape, which includes: a first review of urban administrative nature, which - if passed - produces the transmission document to a city office to act as landscape protection, which in turn - after passing through the Committee on the landscape - provides, when the necessary means for the approval, accompanied by the practice to send a reasoned opinion to the Department so that it expresses its opinion on the mandatory and binding.
Where the examination is completed successfully, also the landscape authorization must be made known through the publication on the website of the town, so that - reads the law - the common interest groups identified under the existing provisions of law Environment and environmental damage, or any other public or private entity that has an interest can appeal to.
You can easily verify, through the website the town of San Giuseppe Vesuviano, as no function has been set up with responsibility for protecting the landscape, nor granted any permission and, therefore, that this issue is not addressed at all.
For the umpteenth time you try to ignore the laws of bypassing them, providing instrumental interpretations to bring up bodies supra hostile and complicated process in order to encourage - even in the management of public affairs - the illegality.
In a country entirely subject to protection, since January 2010, is not granted any permissions on the landscape. Not one. St. Joseph
Vesuvius - Italy - Europe

Friday, January 28, 2011

Male Brazilian Laser Hair Removal In Edmonton

could be a movie for recreation next to me if there had been a French couple in their thirties.
While learning the Italian and despite having a vague idea of \u200b\u200bour situation, were banned ahead of many parts of the film, especially those who insisted on the unity of the family of the south. And they conspired enough to communicate their doubts.
In general, I would say a taste for this little film Fellini's lightweight and easy-going, where there's a couple of truths that are thin and sad side to Italy society.

- Study does not do a fucking
- To work you must know the right people

But let us take the wrong way, ie from the perspective of the French, who were held in Toulouse and I observed closely for much of the film and throughout the interval.
's the story of an Italian thirty, son of immigrants, who still lives with mom and dad, in a house that is a cross between a Tuscan farmhouse Pieraccioniana memory and white windmill cookies.
While doing a job with a salary at the edge of survival, babe drives a Porsche, and it's not clear who would pay this luxury. But then an idea if you make it.
His father is a likeable idiot, who lives in a world governed by the recommendations, outlining the patriotism of his profession as a soldier, in six thousand Euros per month in salary and a wife who spends her days praying the rosary ringed and recommendations for the child. In this beautiful
curtain is held an unlikely love story, the tragic conclusion, and filled the many clichés that circulate on the Italian male. A glimpse of the picaresque
Italian company, which holds the laughter, but on closer inspection is the village on the edge of reality in which we live.
After this film, you just have to go to the room where 4 is the programming: any more than a comic film a documentary on the Italian government. Art

the spectacular scenery of the roof of Milan Cathedral.
not remember it so fascinating and sooner or later I'll come back.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bautiful Agony Streaming

Ausmerzen What a beautiful day, not to forget

words: those who suppress the slow march

Possible Combinations Of 5

memory Scorpion

time ago Lagatta was busy for half an hour under the lounge window , when you should let her do so, because any interference in its activities, it is unpleasant, and being notoriously touchy Lagatta is better to pretend nothing. At the end of his jobs has disappeared in the yard.
After a couple of days, cleaning, I found a scorpion doornail. Almost full. How has
made to kill him without incurring the predictable problems only knows her, to me is a bit of anxiety for discovering that the house can come from who knows where the genus.
To celebrate the event, in agreement with Lagatta, we decided to immortalize the sacrifice with a design apotropaic ( *) at the point of discovery.

( *)
The word derives from the greek apotrepein apotropaic, ie "remove", and generally the symbols and objects of this type share the common by turning away from something, often understood as " keep a distance ". Apotropaic Lamassù was also the function of the statue from the body of a winged bull with a human face and that was at the gates of Babylon.