Finally, after the rumors of possible waste, the Ministry for the Environment issued a decree defining the times and mode refund of the fee for sewage treatment!
the site of New Waters reads: "Decree of the Ministry of the Environment laying down the criteria for the definition of the reimbursement of the fee for sewage treatment was published on February 8 in the Official Gazette. On this basis, the 'Setting Authority will proceed in the coming weeks the calculations required, thereby determining how and when.
This right applies to all users who have paid the fee for treatment while not taking advantage of the service, as expected, then the legal system. It is an acquired right, therefore it is unnecessary to incur legal costs. Just present simple question reimbursement directly to the website, at any branch or by calling toll-free. "
HERE the decree published on 8 February and
HERE page New Water where you can ask for a refund! If
you want to call the toll free number is 800-391739 , while the door is in the area of \u200b\u200bArezzo Via Monte Cervino, 10 / B
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