Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pinky Brown Discharge Before Period

Ridate cover to Clementina Forleo!

Clementina Forleo is a very skilled and well-trained magistrate Italian. It 's a woman who has decided to serve the state and has always done so diligently. E 'words a person worthy of respect and respect, not only by so-called "justice-", but by civil society and from all higher institutions and the "lords of the palace." "Obviously, I would say in England or America. Not here. In our country, things work in reverse. People like Dell'Utri and Cuffaro, in fact, convicted for aiding and abetting first degree with the Mafia, and thus criminals, benefit from the Commons, as well as Maurizio Belpietro, the journalist who always sits by Annozero right part, which, frankly, if they do not know what the escort. Italian magistrates, however, true servants of the state must do without it.
few days ago, I read that Clementina Forleo had been involved in an accident and had suffered no serious injuries thankfully. I said to myself "Wow I'm sorry, I hope he recovers quickly." My naivety often leads me not to drown in the conspiracy and trust a little more of the institutions. Forget that we live in Itlaia. According to the declaration of the same Forleo, in fact, the car that was behind the Opel of the magistrate would have cut the road and would then run away. The incident leaves ample room for doubt and concern, considering the fact that the father and mother of the magistrate, died in a car crash "mysterious."

Clementina Forleo was saved only by the airbag. If it had not happened? We would end up crying another servant of the country only for the negligence of this government?
On April 21, 2009 was withdrawn in the Commons Clementina Forleo. Asks to be returned immediately!
Move your ass on those chairs! Instead of assigning the spare Dell'Utri and Cuffaro, which, honestly, only harm the image of the escort service and, indeed, they even seem to want to take the piss out of those guys who waste their lives to protect the criminals still at large , returned the stock to those who really need it!

We can not allow it to be left alone. Sign the appeal and spread:
http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http% 3A% 2F%% 2Fwww.firmiamo.it 2Fridatelascortaaclementinaforleo & h = 28a47f270c8298ef70333f21e2b35f23


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