Friday, October 30, 2009

Female Genital Piercings Rs

Anyone can join History. Only the great man can write. The heart

Hello guys,
today I had a particular desire to write; I do not know exactly what, but I could not stay quiet, so I knew I had to begin to tap the keyboard and everything would come by itself. Then, as I flashed to mind thousands of ideas and things to say, I came across a fine phrase of Oscar Wilde: "Anyone can be part of history. Only the great man can write." I paused a moment to read it and have now been invested with the power of these few words. And 'retain the inevitable chills before that size, they are two phrases that I am back in time and make me go over all of human history and I wonder at this point: in the thousands and thousands and thousands of years, what has been written in the name mind of every individual? What characters have the ability to travel through the centuries eoltre yet? The great men, no doubt. Pause for a moment and think for a moment: Who was Julius Caesar? Who was Leonidas? Who was Christopher Columbus? Who were these men? They are not gods, but ordinary men who became legends because of their personality, their ambition and their ideals.
sometimes I wonder, again, between 1000 years, assuming that there are still forms of life on this planet, what name will be printed in the history books? Who will take the example of the future generations?
You could be yourself, that you are now reading the four lines of this idiot, but, remember, "Only a great man can write the history. "If we carve out a slice of everlasting glory, therefore, not wallow in the quiet life, let us not be overwhelmed by indifference, superficiality, let's not label with the word" careless ", but we give a contribution to society, act within the law and the common good, distinguiamoci for whatever the fuck that is not indifferent. Massimo General wisely said: "Brethren, what we do in life, riegheggia eternity", so we fight for our ideal, we give meaning to this life, so that we will not be considered only as souls of passage, occasional appearances on the stage of world is the world. We begin to learn the title role!
What animates me, as I'm concerned, is the desire to be a name engraved in the history of fire, following the greats of the past.
"Anyone can be part of history. Only the great man can write." Next to Julius Caesar and Napoleon, there could be your name!

Serena Verrecchia

Friday, October 23, 2009

Church Street Station New Years Eve

A Viking:

I love you!
's the key to open our hearts,
to explore it to the end
in a journey that can last forever
and in which one realizes that,
however small it may be, our hearts

has strength of a raging sea,
the beat as fast as a horse race,
is firm and strong like a rock,
but despite everything, despite
seems nearly indestructible, the
Our hearts can not resist the sweet
and intense ...
word love!

Serena Verrecchia

Monday, October 19, 2009

Why Do Some Women Have Huge Breasts

The darkest page of our history

The State has come to terms with the Mafia.
E 'a phrase that speaks of itself, needs no explanation. The
Papello, the much longed Papello, it came out. The state actually tried to get into negotiations with Cosa Nostra, one of the most dangerous criminal organizations worldwide.
The mafia is the worst thing there is, because it is a mixture of arrogance, violence, intimidation, prejudice, indifference, cruelty more absurd. The mafia is and always has been the cancer society and it is unheard of to think that the State has met for the a pact. While
's heart stopped beating Giovanni Falcone, Paolo Borsellino and his eyes closed up, men shook hands with the State picciotti. The mafia is the worst thing in the world, who holds us even worse terms. The
Papello imagination was not senseless Salvatore Borsellino and Sonia Alfano, was not a pretext to destabilize the state, there Papello and witnesses to the greatest defeat of this country. For years we have heard only words, words, words, mountains of words, men in suits telling us that the Mafia would have been defeated, we have filled his head with nonsense efficiency of the state against crime. But then, you know, the truth sooner or later, it turns out. The truth always triumphs when we are busy people to recall.
Shame! Shameful that men of the State have made a deal while Giovanni Falcone, his wife and his bodyguard lost his life on a highway full of dynamite, and even more shameful that the killing of Paolo Borsellino and his men have been anticipated because of to ensure that the court did not oppose the deal. This is the darkest page in Italian history.

Serena Verrecchia

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How To Elongate Labia is on Wikipedia! Thunder and hail

While jumping from page to page, looking for news on Reclamation Consortium of Valdichiana (those who have written to us asking for money - tomorrow I'll tell you what I found) I came across the wikipedia page on the Val di Chiana . I read it with interest and as I pass all the footnotes that I see you?! A note refers to information taken from their!

Precisely, who wrote the page found some information on the history of the Chiana Valley that we had in the first version of the site (for the uninitiated this is the third version) hosted Altervista up.

A note is not much but it is already a great satisfaction! You can read the page HERE

On wikipedia there is a page on Frassineto .. I'd need some willing to write that :-)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Women Prefer Shaved Genitals

"On the side of legality"