Monday, September 28, 2009

Usual Cost Of Cataract Surgery

September 26, 2009: Day memorable

E 'for a long time since I trial in a publication on this blog, but I was taken back to school a large part of free time I had before, I can not, however, not to mention September 26. This day will remain forever written in the history of my life and it is the least describe it in an article.
First of all, Saturday was the birthday of Raphael, and Robert, then I take the opportunity to make them still wishes to reach adulthood. For me though, Saturday, September 26 had a completely different flavor.
In this memorable day in fact, met in Rome the people of the red diary, or thousands of people, carrying a red diary from all over Italy, united only by desiserio of justice and truth, who marched in the streets of the capital, regardless of the scorching heat, the sweat dripping everywhere, the work commitments and so on, shouting the name of Paolo Borsellino and martyrs of justice.
I was there! This time I can say it: I was there and for the first time in my life. I followed too Salvatore Borsellino, my guide, father of the people of the red diary, holding high the sky quell'agendina that, every time I looked, raised (And still excites) indescribable emotions in me that few have tried in the course of their existence. It does not seem an exaggeration to say that Saturday, September 26 I have lived the best day of my life, because, for some time, I immersed myself in the future that I want and for which the fight at all costs, because I finally felt more alive than ever and extremely (extremely !) happy. It was as if every person present was part of my family. We were like one big family, one heart that beats only for the memory of Paul and of all men like him. I have never felt so alive and happy (I would repeat endlessly, but I do not say more, I promise)! For that I thank my mother and father who, despite some initial moment of uncertainty, allowed me to live the most important day of my life.
We return now to the event. The choirs, slogans, banners ... It was as if all the pieces of my life were poured around me, as if there were nothing else, as if nothing, apart from that so many people were there, had more importance. Only a heart, only a mind, only an ideal, so many agendas.
Looking back I get the chills again, as throughout the course of the event. Chills that start from the toes, rise up to the back and still more Up, up to the brain, spreading everywhere: on the nose, fingers, forehead, anywhere. My heart is still full of joy and determination on that day and I think will remain so forever. On September 26 came into my soul permanently, but I hope it is only the starting point of this tortuous journey, which has the goal of justice, truth and freedom, which will be my life and that of many others like me .

Looking back on two days ago, I can not quote a person, a man who is regarded as a father and anyone who knows anyone who believes in him: Salvatore Borsellino. A deep affection binds me to him, as if it was the closest member of my family. Savior, if anything were to read this message, I want you to know I'll always be with you, never leave you, will fight by your side and day after day I will inspire you and bring out your ideals and those of your brother Paul.
When I shook hands I felt an incredible feeling, that no human being ever, and even God, can never describe, something that made my heart stop because they are too full of joy and emotions to stay close to you is was the greatest honor of my life, and the fulfillment of a dream. When I heard
uralre "resistance" two steps away from me, I did not set out and I cried in silence with emotion.
The best moment of my life, the happiest day of my life. I'll never forget! Salvatore
Thanks, thanks people of the red diary, thanks to all participants and thanks to Paul ...

Serena Verrecchia

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cruising For Gays In Windsor


six years have passed, there was another amnesty and a plane home from (?!!) ABUSE AND JUSTIFICATION - Vesuvius, no brakes to the poured concrete
NAPLES - was not enough 'or sun, not enough' or sea, was not enough 'or Vesuvius. E so the owner of "Hercolandia" playground abuse on the side of the volcano, vincolatissimo well inside the park, he pulled on the Eiffel Tower. Huge. Shiny. 'Na beauty. Intonatissima this Disneyland outlaws crumbling and that on paper appears so: traveling shows. To be removed annually at the end of the season. Except that, had the license, the owner has never remembered to take away the stuff. And this year there has forgotten the enclosure wall, the fence, a bar, a games hall, the floor, the pool, the rides and even the Tour, which stands powerful and ridiculous at the most beautiful bay in the world.
When a friend asks if he is not afraid that one day, Put the case, who knows, can demolish this piece of grandeur and soaring français Tower on the Greek, shrugs. The numbers prove him right. He says a study that claims Legambiente amnesty for unauthorized building in only 13 municipalities that have a piece of territory in the Vesuvius National Park, adding that the amnesty of 1985 and 1994, were 49,087. A magnitude. That income with the popular quarters designed by a hand not too scrupulous public (for example, applies in the case of Tower of the hospital that the first Greek president of the Park, Ugo Leone, was discovered to have been brought up in the midst of an ancient volcanic basin ) and the districts of houses and factories and laboratories more or less legal spread on the slopes of Mount Somma with devastating spontaneity, have created a very high risk suburbs.
course, the last eruption in 1944 have gone 59 years and the statue of San Gennaro, who in 1906 managed to stop the lava from a step Trecase, can work wonders. Everyone knows that one day or another Vesuvius wakes. And even those who do not want to take seriously the pessimistic assumptions of Alphonsa Milia, research in the Journal of the Geological Society of London has provided a huge tidal wave, but agrees with the vulcanologist Franco Barberi, "There is a place in the world at higher risk Whereas the abnormal concentration volcanic spintasi building up to a few hundred meters from the crater. " John says Macedonio, director of the Vesuvius, the volcano is "very calm" but that "sooner or later we must come to terms with a new eruption." The material is hot pressed at a depth of eight kilometers. A good and evil when it is on, he says, should give a little 'time for evacuation. It should. But then the layer of lava "jump like untappo of champagne."
From 1631 to date the Vesuvius rumbled, more or less disastrously, 42 times. On average once every eight years. And I knew the great-grandparents and grandparents knew and they knew the fathers of those who have piled all those thousands of homes. Nothing. And the regional government of Antonio Bassolino is today without the money needed do not like them, the Berlusconi government, should find a new home to 700 thousand people at risk. Incentive to leave, until the funds are, with good-home € 25 000 per family.
E 'crazy build there, under the volcano. Yet they continued to do so. And as it was definitely the amnesty clause of the new Berlusconi, Legambiente to say, they resent the noise of jackhammers and trucks of companies that are unfair to the service, if not directly owned by the Camorra clans who control the cycle of cement Apicella in Casal di Principe, Caserta Bardellino, Polverino Marano ...
ghost companies that do everything in black and that boast, according to the deputy public prosecutor Nola, Frederick Bisceglie, who is burdened with two colleagues from 33 000 cases, to build a house, from top to bottom in 288 hours: twelve days and twelve nights. How many illegal buildings constructed in the park? Boh. For Legambiente, which shows a large proportion of public offices do not have the faintest idea of \u200b\u200bthe situation, "at least 5,000." The Park Board, but admits he could move only when there is a complaint and then have the official numbers less than the real ones, said that he surveyed, only from '97 to now, 418. Killed? Twenty. For a total expenditure of € 757 000. One and a half billion lire 70 million in demolition. But the last two, only of 2003, together have cost four hundred. "It 's very, very, very expensive - says the director of the park, Carlo Bifulco -. 10% goes in legal fees to dismiss appeals, 40% in demolition, a 50% landfill: it's not that we can throw the rubble in illegal dumps. " "The order of killing his execution spend an average of four years: too many," says the president Amilcare Troiano, An. He says now, a bit 'from the regional government of the left and a bit' from the right-wing government, arrived two and a half million euro, for the operation of bulldozers. After that the main problem remains: no one wants to win contracts to demolish the illegal houses. The last race declared unsuccessful. Too many risks. And when the caterpillar finally went into action, the offices of the Park has had to seek the protection of four armed guards. With employees, gasp, barricaded themselves in offices. Imagine how it goes in the rest of the region, where according to the Attorney General of the Court of Appeal of Naples, Vincenzo Gargano, is an ongoing "aggression in the region" with the systematic violation of any law, urban planning and criminal law, since all the times sites that are seized are seeing "repeated violations of the seals." In an attempt to understand the dimensions of this Caporetto State Legambiente has asked all municipalities as regulated by the squatters. Some, like Vico Equense, where there is a monster not unlike the infamous "Fuenti" and where no one should ever put his hands in his folders, he actually went to them, the environmentalists, "in the days of public access" to search for data, "the extrapolation Manual data from these files requires a considerable commitment to work. " Others have given answers to drop their arms. The demolitions carried out to those signed since 1988 (not in relation to abuse: the demolitions were already established) were 22 out of 2922 in Ischia, Torre del 10 out of 3,204 in Greek, zero up to 900 pellets, 1093 to zero in Marano, zero up to 1617 Casamicciola. Yield. Toast to which, among other things, the Hollywood ristorantoni with Corinthian columns Pompei-built porches and pretend to make any constraint on the road that climbs from the crater Trecase. Stuff for gourmets. In a triumph of statues of Venus de Milo to the Discus Thrower, by Captain David to Fracassa. Together to keep company with Grumpy, Aeolus, Bashful, Cub ... Poor dwarfs.
Gian Antonio Stella, Tuesday September 16, 2003

Monday, September 14, 2009

Free Unused Pin Numbers For Club Nintendo

The hot summer this year was cut short by time of day: the hail Frassineto whitened like snow at Christmas!
And like any self-respecting hailstorm, also left its consequences ... I wonder if the grapes of the farm will be affected by it?
This evening about 10 firefighters arrived to cut some branches of the pine Emilio. Fortunately it was only some branch crushed by hail! The two pine trees (one hour) were and are the symbol of Caggiolo, hopefully not have to tear down the last remaining ..